ちょっと不思議な特許英語~ the anotherってあり? ~


今回は”the another”についてお話します。


the another ってアリ?

通常の文法では、the another という表現はナシです。

なぜなら、another は、名詞の前につく determiner(限定詞)であり、

an + other という不定冠詞が含まれた表現だからです。

例えば、”another apple”と出てきたら、次からはどのappleかはっきりするので

“the apple”とすればよいわけです。

しかし特許英語では、”the another ~” という表現をしばしば見ます。

特許独特の表現 “the another”

特許の中でも主に【特許請求の範囲】(Claims)という項目で “the another” を見かけます。

なぜかというと、米国特許審査基準(Manual of Patent Examining Procedure(MPEP))において


2173.05(e) Lack of Antecedent Basis [R-08.2017]

A claim is indefinite when it contains words or phrases whose meaning is unclear. In re Packard, 751 F.3d 1307, 1314, 110 USPQ2d 1785, 1789 (Fed. Cir. 2014). 

“another”を”the another”としない場合、上記の”words or phrases whose meaning is unclear”になってしまうことがあります。

たとえば、”a lever” と”another  lever” が出てくる発明があったとします。

二度目以降を”the  lever”と表すと、どちらのことを言っているのか分からなくなってしまいます。

よって、”another device” のことを言っていると明確に分かるように “the another device” という表現が用いられるのです。

“the anoher”使わないとどうなるの?

“the another”を使わずに特許文書を翻訳した場合、拒絶理由が発行される可能性があります。

特に請求項において、初出で”another”にした部材を次に”the other “などに置き換えると


たとえば、”a vehicle”と”another vehicle”があった場合、二度目にこれらvehicleが出てきたとき

“the vehicle”とするとどちらを指しているか分かりません。

そこで”another vehicle”を”the other vehicle”とすると、

“a vehicle”と”another vehicle”と”the other vehicle”がある?と解釈されることがあるのです。


この場合は、素直に”the vehicle”と”the another vehicle”としておけば間違いが起こりません。

“the another”の例

In some embodiments, the distal end 116 of the pin 114 is tapered in a rearward direction such that the pin 114 is biased inward into theelectronics module100 upon contacting a surface of another electronics module until the pin 114 is aligned with a pin-receiving receptacle (such as pin-receiving receptacle 132 shown in FIGS. 9 and 10) of the another electronics module.


A system for a vehicle, comprising:
a bidirectional power converter;
a vehicle controller configured to, in response to a pilot signal indicating a connection to a charging station, cause the converter to initiate power flow from the station to the vehicle; and
an electric vehicle service equipment (EVSE) controller configured to, in response to detecting a connection to another vehicle, generate the pilot signal to indicate to the another vehicle that the another vehicle is connected to a charging station to cause the converter to generate power to transfer to the another vehicle.


A system for transitioning a database service from a failing server to another server of a computing environment comprising a plurality of servers, the system comprising:
a processor and a memory;
means, responsive to detecting failure at a primary server of the computing environment providing a database service, and without pre-requiring any server of the computing environment to function as backup to the primary server, for selecting another server of the computing environment to function as database service backup for the primary, failing server, wherein the another server lacks a mirrored copy of a database supporting the database service at the primary, failing server, and lacks access to the database supporting the database service at the primary, failing server;
means for updating at least one configuration file of the computing environment to indicate that the another service is to function as database service backup for the primary, failing server; and
means for dynamically creating by the another server, subsequent to the selecting of the another server, at least one database data repository structure at the another server, the dynamically created at least one database data repository structure supporting the database service backup function at the another server by receiving data therein, and the at least one database data repository structure corresponding to at least one database data repository structure of a database supporting the database service function at the primary server, wherein the data received into the dynamically created at least one database data repository structure was directed to the corresponding at least one database data repository structure of the database supporting the database service function at the primary server.



今回は”the another” についてお話しました。

“the another” は一般文法的にはおかしい表現ですが



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